Blog Archives
Patient-Centered Care Approach Tops List of Changes Coming to Long-Term Facilities
A combination of increasingly high costs, alarming statistics, Affordable Healthcare Act requirements and an aging generation of Baby Boomers has forced the long-term care industry to evaluate and adjust the way it provides services to post-acute care patients. An increasing number of patients have their healthcare coverage through an ACO or MCO, which have theirRead the Rest…
What is General Medicine?
Many physicians who provide medical services to post-acute care facilities do so in addition to their work in their own practices and making hospital rounds. It’s because of this that it becomes understandable that their practices often take priority. It’s also understandable if returning calls to the facility might be put off until the endRead the Rest…
75% of Medicaid Recipients Will Be Covered by an MCO by 2015
An increasing number of Medicaid recipients are receiving their benefits through a managed care organization. Most of the new Medicaid enrollees under the Affordable Care Act will also be covered by an MCO. A managed care organization was already providing Medicaid coverage to 63% of recipients in 2012. With all the new enrollees, that numberRead the Rest…