"The General Medicine clinicians will be supported by the staff of the nursing facilities and our own care coordinators. The ultimate goal of the Integrated Care Program is to improve care coordination via a person-centered, team-oriented delivery system which addresses individual needs.”
William Gerardi, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Home // Our Clinicians’ Care Focus and Typical Caseload

Our Clinicians’ Care Focus and Typical Caseload

Did you know – A typical nursing home doctor only visits patients once every 30-60 days?


This happens because they have very large practice case loads and generally can only manage nursing home residents by telephone.


Not us, we are much different.


We manage fewer patients because we are exclusively post-hospitalists. We only care for patients in post-acute, long-term care and assisted living settings so we focus on specialization. Our days are spent caring exclusively for patients in these settings, rather than trying to work in all areas like outpatient offices, clinics and hospitals.

What happens to other doctors is they never have enough time to appropriately care for nursing home residents and they have their office staff handle all questions by fax and phone. We don’t. Clinicians Typical Caseload

  • Our typical caseload includes between 150 and 200 patients, depending on case mix considerations, oversight requirements and service volume differences between the number of acute care, versus chronic (custodial) care patients being followed.


  • The general caseload mix will encompass 20% acute care and 80% chronic care/long-term care patients.


  • Patients are initially visited and care plans are developed within 24 hours of hospital discharge.


  • Unstable patients are visited 3-5 times weekly or daily if clinical condition requires daily oversight.


  • Stable patients are visited up to two times per month based on clinical need.


  • Discharges to a lower level of care (usually custodial) or to home are timely.