“Their group has over 25 years of experience specializing in the complexity of treating geriatric and chronically ill patients, and has demonstrated an ability to make significant differences in the quality and continuity of care for patients in these settings."
Our Typical Clinician Caseload
A traditional provider’s caseload consists of 800-1000 patients.
Ours is much different!
Our Clinicians have fewer patients in their caseload than traditional providers’ clinicians. They also have more time to spend caring for patient because their days are spent caring exclusively for post-acute care patients in long-term care facilities rather than in addition to work in their practices and hospital rounds.
Our typical Clinician Caseload
- Includes between 150 and 200 patients, depending on case mix considerations and oversight requirements.
- Typically includes a mix of 20% acute care and 80% chronic or long-term care patients.
- Means initial visits and care plans are developed within 24 hours of transition to the facility.
- Includes enough on-site availability that patients can be seen daily if their condition requires.
- Allows for timely and effective transitions to hospital, other facilities or home.